IoT Development Services

As a forward-thinking startup or enterprise, working on IoT technology is a wise move. With our IoT development services, you can consider us as a dependable tech partner you can count on. We assist in creating smart gadgets, digitizing analog products, and developing infrastructure for bespoke IoT solutions. If you're aiming for a comprehensive business transformation, our IoT consulting strategists can smoothly guide you through the process.

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Our Futuristic Internet of Things Development Services

We have extensive knowledge in delivering IoT development services including connected solutions that can be customized to fit our client demands. As an IoT development company, we conceptualize, design, develop, and deploy state-of-the-art IoT systems that enable your business.

IoT Development Consultation

Our IoT development consultation services provide detailed advice to orient clients in the processes of IoT integration. We can offer our strategic vision, expertise in technology selection, and reference architectures that will help you utilize IoT as a business tool across industries effectively. Our specialists focus on providing you with the best strategies to seize opportunities, manage risks, and enhance the value of your IoT investments.

IoT System Prototyping

Our IoT system prototyping services allow you to obtain a tangible mockup of your ideas as fast as possible. We build working models that prove the viability and characteristics of your IoT ideas. By employing advanced technologies and strategies, we guarantee that the prototypes are expansive, protected, and correspond to your concept. It is useful in the early identification of technical issues and the fine-tuning of the solution before broad implementation.

Intelligent Data Solutions

Our smart data services convert the voluminous IoT data into meaningful information. It employs IoT technology to gather data and then uses big data processing, machine learning, and AI to analyze that data. They translate into improved performance, reduced downtime, informed decisions, and overall effective operations. The solutions should meet a scale as well as accuracy, reliability, and the ability to process data in real time.

Network Design & Device Management

We are experts in deploying secure IoT networks and handling several IoT devices to guarantee an efficient connection. Our design services are network designs that are secure, flexible, and reliable based on your needs and wants. We also provide a wide range of device management services including; provision, configuration, device monitoring, and firmware management services for your gadgets.

Edge Computing Infrastructure

The edge computing infrastructure services help in processing and analyzing data at the network’s peripheries thereby cutting on time and space. We implement edge computing solutions that will enhance IoT devices and their response to commands, as well as improve data security. We guarantee that your edge infrastructure is future-proof, optimized for performance, and aligned with your broader IoT environment.

Data Center Implementation

Our complete service offering for data center implementation for IoT is designed to meet your specific needs. We build, implement, and operationalize; reliable, secure, and extendible data centers. It is important to enhance performance and energy consumption, as well as to incorporate new applications and technologies serving IoT solutions. These data center solutions are further designed for increasing volumes of IoT data and processing needs.

Immersive Data Visualization

Exploding AI and IoT data services turn hard data into easy-to-understand and engaging visual experiences. With the help of superior graphic displays and analysis, we design interfaces that give you a clear view of your IoT environment. They facilitate understanding and control of the information and qualitatively enhance decision-making, as the audience can manipulate the data and find patterns and changes in real time.

Smart Remote Control Systems

We have strategies for designing your smart remote control systems to ensure that complete and clear control over your IoT devices and systems is made easier. They allow for remote observation and control that increase ease and productivity when managing the systems. This way we ensure that these systems are safeguarded, do not pose a burden for the user, and can be easily interconnected with other IoT gadgets and applications.

IoT Quality Assurance & Testing

IoT quality assurance and testing services help you to guarantee that your IoT solutions are running smoothly, securely, and consistently. Functional, performance, security, and interoperability tests are performed to ensure that all problems are detected and addressed before deploying solutions. The quality assurance processes of our IoT systems are complete ensuring that your systems perform optimally in real conditions.

IoT Support and Enhancement

Our IoT support and enhancement services include the continual fixing, upgrading, and optimization of your IoT systems. We provide assistance at all times, help with any issues that may arise, and conduct tests to guarantee continuous operation. Our enhancement services are related to adding new functionality, improving speed, and updating IoT solutions to the latest technologies and trends.

Explore Our Real-World IoT Solutions

Bringing a New Concept to the Health and Fitness Journey


ROI Growth


Improvement in Fitness

pure plank

Elevating the Restaurant Experience with Impeccable Booking & Socialization


ROI Growth


Growth in conversion rates


Bridging the Gap between Local Residents Leveraging Real-time Locations


ROI Growth


Improvement in Connections


Bringing a New Concept to the Health and Fitness Journey


ROI Growth


Improvement in Fitness

pure plank

Elevating the Restaurant Experience with Impeccable Booking & Socialization


ROI Growth


Growth in conversion rates


Bridging the Gap between Local Residents Leveraging Real-time Locations


ROI Growth


Improvement in Connections


Our Strategic Considerations for Building Next-Gen IoT Software Products

The approach to creating new-generation IoT software products implies the further use of complex technologies and reliable frameworks that will ensure the creation of unique IoT products.

This approach is based on using state-of-the-art methodologies, minimal impact on the existing systems, and optimized data protection and users’ experience. Specifically, our strategic approach means IoT products developed by our company correspond to the current market needs and potential future trends and difficulties

Scalability and Flexibility

We ensure that our IoT software products are developed with the flexibility feature to accommodate increased load and other potential changes.

Security and Compliance

We follow high standards of security and the provisions of the law, as our strategy involves encryption of information end-to-end with safe authentication.

Edge and Cloud Integration

The data processing at the edge reduces latency and bandwidth but is integrated with the cloud for managing, storing, and analyzing all data effectively.

Interoperability and Standards

IOT solutions that we offer put the highest emphasis on compatibility by following the standard protocol of respective Industries.

Data Analytics and AI

Through leveraging big data and machine learning, we equip our IoT software solutions to be intelligent tools focusing on readable and anticipative information.

User-Centric Design

We focus on providing user-friendly interfaces and this means our IoT software products are easy to use for the end-consumer.

Our Simplified Procedure for IoT Application Development

The development of blockchain solutions is based on trust, making them solid, reliable, and of high scalability. Supplying the utmost clarity in every process, we take you through step by step and offer the highest quality of service that meets your company’s goals.

Discovery Phase

During the Discovery Phase, we perform a more detailed analysis of the business expectations and IT solutions. This entails a survey of key stakeholders, studying the competition, and assessing the viability of the particular IoT project.

Strategic Planning

In Strategic Planning, we create a strategic plan that details the technical architecture, the technology stack, and the project schedule. It helps in achieving your business objectives and sets directions or goals toward development in this phase.

Prototype Design

The Prototype Design phase involves generating detailed non-working and working models to test design ideas and user engagement. Performing this step helps to unveil rough edges in the user experience and possible technical issues at the onset.

Development Phase

During the Development Phase, the development of the coded and built IoT application takes place using the agile methodologies. To address IoT integration requirements, our development team aims at building scalable, reliable, and secure software components.

Integration and Testing

The Integration and Testing phase is vital in guaranteeing the application runs optimally in the IoT environment. We run unit tests, integration tests, and user acceptance tests all to avoid negative results that may arise due to faults in the software.

Deployment and Operations

During the Deployment & Operations phase, the IoT application is deployed in the live environments with minimal service disruptions. We get ready by creating the structure, installing the managing tools, and doing the final check for ready-to-launch setup.

Discover the Power of IoT to Build Smart Solutions!

Realize the IoT opportunity and enhance your business processes with unique smart solutions by IoT professionals. Foster ideas and improvements with our specialists to enhance your operational flow without a hitch.

Talk to Our IoT Experts

Our Full-fledged Tech Stack for IoT Software Development

With a professional team of blockchain experts, we have a firm grip on the latest tech stack associated with this prime technology. Our diverse team of blockchain app developers is experienced enough to work on multiple tools and platforms to ensure the right development of your desired product.

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    Amazon Redshift
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    Amazon Dynamo DB
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    Azure Cosmos DB
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    Azure SQL Database
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    Google Cloud Datastore
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    Apache HBase
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    AWS IoT
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    AWS Iot Thinks Graph
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    AWS IoT Device
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    AWS IoT Events
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    Things Board
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    Think Speak
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Our IoT-based Solutions Across Diverse Industries

We follow our flagship, agile-based process to develop, integrate, implement and deploy artificial intelligence solutions. Our process is simple, structured and guarantees development ROI because each step is productive and yields game-changing deliverables.

Predictive Maintenance

Real-time monitoring of products and equipment through implementing predictive maintenance also helps pinpoint issues ahead of time and detect failure modes. This process also helps in concrete warranty confirmation and warranty infringement as well to make your equipment more long-lasting and durable.

Supply Chain Management

In supply chain management, IoT solutions track the balance of the products and make notifications about the stock’s depletion. They also help moderate the climate within the warehouse and ensure robotics-based order picking; they regulate transportation climate control to enhance product quality.

Real-Time Asset Tracking

Assets can be tracked not only by their actual position and their changes but also by maps and geofencing for indoors and outdoors. This system consists of asset tracking analytics & reporting, asset management & Operational efficiency at its core.

Connected Products

Affiliated products include smart industrial objects with control applications and sophisticated customer items with a central hub to control smart devices, control, and user applications. It also includes more basic smart consumer goods, such as home devices and exercise equipment, which offer users improved control and integration.

Connected Vehicles

Connected vehicles use IoT to evaluate environmental conditions to deliver and store perishable goods, document drivers’ actions, and determine routes. They also include adaptive cruise control, dispatch management, and vehicle maintenance control, so logistics and transportation are safe and efficient.

Smart Homes

In smart homes, IoT is applied in the measurement of the indoor environment and determination of when and how to regulate, the use of energy. They include cameras and motion detectors for home security and management of power usage by the homeowners.

Why Choose TekRevol for IoT Application Development Services

TekRevol occupies the position of a reliable provider in the market of IoT development services with a solid list of high-profile projects created on its basis. This is why we have assembled our team of top IoT developers who create bespoke solutions addressing industries’ needs and fostering advancement.

The advancements in internet technologies allow us to deliver IoT application development services that are scalable, secure, and high-performance. The fact that we value quality and stay on top of the industry trends makes us the perfect partner for your Internet of Things projects.

Proven Track Record

We have a history of delivering successful IoT projects across diverse industries, showcasing our ability to meet complex and unique client requirements.

Expert IoT Developers

Our team comprises highly skilled developers with extensive experience in designing, developing, and deploying advanced IoT solutions.

Cutting-Edge Technologies

We utilize the latest technologies, including AI, machine learning, edge computing, and cloud integration, to create innovative and efficient IoT applications.

Security Focused

Our solutions prioritize security, implementing robust protocols to protect data integrity, privacy, and compliance with industry standards.

Customizable Services

We offer highly customizable IoT solutions tailored to your business needs, ensuring maximum relevance and impact.

Agile Development Methodology

Our agile development process allows for flexibility and rapid iteration, ensuring timely delivery and adaptability to changing requirements.

IOT Development FAQs

What is IoT development?

IoT development is developing IoT applications and products that can be controlled remotely and used to monitor the connected product's condition or environment via sensors and external data sources. Custom IoT Development is done to meet the specific requirements of a business.

What is IoT application development?

IoT app development involves creating a system where digital devices interact with each other through data exchanges, eliminating the need for human intervention. It focuses on developing IoT solutions that enable Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication.

What are IoT development services?

Internet of Things (IoT) services encompass a comprehensive range of offerings where businesses collaborate with external providers to design, develop, implement, and manage IoT solutions. These services also include advisory consulting for IoT strategy and planning.

How long does it take to implement IoT?

Almost 18-24 months

Implementing IoT is challenging because of the complexity of its components. Studies show that the average time-to-market for an IoT project is approximately 18-24 months, with a failure rate of 75% for IoT initiatives.

How much does it cost to build an IoT app?

Building an Internet of Things (IoT) app generally costs around $37,500. However, the price can range from $25,000 to $50,000. An IoT app with fewer features also referred to as a minimum viable product (MVP), will be less expensive compared to a fully-featured application.

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Get valuable consultation form our professionals to discuss your project idea. We are here to help you  with all of  your queries.

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