Important Augmented and Virtual Reality Trends For 2019

Author: SUNAINA KAKREJA | January 16, 2019 - The Tekrevol Team
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Along with artificial intelligence and automation, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have been touted as technologies that are likely to have an overwhelmingly transformative effect on the way we live and work.

Technologies that allow humans to experience fully immersive computer-generated worlds with VR and overlay computer graphics onto people’s view of their immediate environment with AR, both are progressively being adopted in entertainment and other industries.

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Over this year, both VR and AR applications will only become more sophisticated, just as devices become more powerful and capable of offering higher quality visuals.

The incorporation of AR and VR technologies has also been revolutionary in the mobile gaming development industry. Gaming entrepreneurs are increasingly looking for tech partners that can leverage such advanced technologies and delivery new experience and adventures for the users. Between 2017 and 2018, this tech up-gradation led to a 15.2 % increase in the global mobile game revenue.

Moreover, during this time, how humans navigate and interact within virtual and augmented environments will also evolve, leading way to the creation of more natural systems and approaches to interact and explore the VR and AR space.

AR and VR increasingly enhanced with AI

Unlike any other technology that has come before, AR and VR developers will progressively create smart, cognitive functionality into their applications.

AI technology allows computers to comprehend what they are seeing through cameras, which is essential for AR to work. It allows the objects in the user’s field of vision to be first identified and labeled. It is expected that machine learning algorithms that enable these functions will become increasingly sophisticated and capable.

A most relevant example of this technology would be Snapchat and Instagram filters that we use, like overlaying bunny and dog ears. They are very consumer-facing applications of AI technology alongside AR.

VR involves putting people inside virtual environments, and these environments and their inhabitants are most likely to become more intelligent over the year. There can be more voice control stemming using AI natural language processing and more immersion by reducing the use of icons and menus taking away from the virtual world experience.

Consumer entertainment VR hits the mainstream

The previous generations of VR headsets have been limited in two major ways. Either by the user being bound to a big computer that can power the experience and which will limit their mobility and sense of immersion. Or by using relatively low-powered mobile devices to feature the stand-alone headsets, which will limit the graphics quality.

However, this year some more stand-alone headsets will hit the shelves with powerful, dedicated computer technology. It is predicted that this technology will help users be unrestricted by cables or low-powered displays and VR developers will be able to create more realistic and accurate simulations.

VR and AR environments becoming progressively collaborative and social

Facebook’s purchase of Oculus in 2016 revealed that even the social media giant thinks that virtual reality has the potential to become vital to the way we create shared online environments. From virtual conference calls that allow participants to see and interact with each other to socializing and hanging out with friends.

Pioneers of the industry are leading the way AR tools within the boardroom and office where participants can see virtual whiteboards and pinboards, as well as work together on design documents overlaid on real-world objects.

With increasing sophistication and capabilities of AR and VR technologies, combined with the predicted rise in the sales of VR and AR headsets, this could mean that 2019 is the year of significant changes, new opportunities, and more high-end quality experiences.

These inventions have enabled mobile game developers to take their game up a notch by providing unprecedented user experiences. Here are recent technologies and trends that are shaping the future of mobile game development industry, make sure you are keeping up.

Incorporation of AR in Automobiles

You will see increasing use of AR technology in vehicles, primarily with Satellite-Navigation systems and phone screens, potentially improving the safety. Automobile giants already realize the new features this technology opens up.

Usually, AR is used to inform the driver about important information, for example, a display screen mounted on the dashboard that shows the driver live view from around the vehicle. AR technology can also play a revolutionary part with advancements like navigational directions, hazard detection, and lane identification. Exploring the use of AR technologies in automobiles can provide better safety and real-time feedback while improving the driver’s convenience and comfort.

Wrapping it up

As time goes by, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technologies will only get better at revolutionizing lives in different ways and domains. As we step into 2019 and understand the trends for the coming year, we can’t wait to witness the improvements in hardware and software to enable these transformative technologies further. However, we have yet to experience real potential and practical solutions in a range of fields. From the entertainment and gaming industry to the education and healthcare sector, AR and VR technologies are inevitable to revolutionize how we live and work.


Sunaina Kakreja is a creative content writer and digital marketer at TekRevol. She works closely with B2C and B2B businesses providing blog writing, video script writing, ghostwriting, copywriting and social media marketing services.

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